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BHS Class of 1970: K-8th Grade Elementary Class Photo Request
Classmates In California: 98
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Newest Members
Liz Abplanalp (Helms)
Terry Anderson (Millett)
Ed Arsenault
Eileen Auld (Pearl)
Dian Ayers (Tabb)
Susie Ball (Randall)
Bob Beatty
Joyce Bennett (Cass)
Debra Berry (Newton)
Brenda Bettis (Charles)
Paul Bjork
Martha Bock
Joe Bork
Anne Boyle (Wheeler)
Don Carlisle
Paula Carson (Walke)
Kathryn Clawson (Witty)
Thessa Cox (Mullins)
Brenda Davis (Mcquiston)
Mary De Santo (Anders)
Laura Dodson (Rainey)
Norman Dravis
Walter French
Ronnie Gatchell
Larry Gee
Pam Gilbert (Will)
Janice Graham (Metz)
Frank Grober (Grober)
Steve Gutierrez
Sandy Hamilton (Hoagland)
John Hanne
Peggy Hape (Abdelwahab)
Kennard Horsley
Melody Inman (Spurgeon)
Tony Jaime
Martie Jarrett (Smith)
Kathleen Jordan (Huddleston)
Mark Kasal
Andrea Keith
Dan Kus
Terry Ladda (Wilson)
Debbie Leary (Gadzia)
Chris Lee
Richard Lewis (Lewis)
Amy Licwinko (Prentiss)
Bruce Livingston
Deanna Lotee (Ripley-Lotee)
Harriet Luzinas (Smith)
Patti Mahoney
Patti Marquardt (Marquis)
Marian Martin (Lyttleton)
Phil Martin
Particia Ann May (Lenges)
Jane (Mary Jane) McEwan (Hewer)
John McGinnis
Bruce McLaughlin
Mary Mercado
Mariellen Miller (Colclasure)
Scott Miller
Scott Millett
John Morgan
Lauri Neil (Redell)
Susan Nicholson (Boero)
Karen Noles (Mahoney)
Richard Owen
Debbie Paden (Lewis)
Rita Paine (Rich)
Mike Paradise
Kathy Paradise-Clark
Steve Parker
Ruth Peckham (Khan)
Nancy Perkins (Pace)
Michael Pettey
Joyce Phillips (Youngs)
Thomas Rafalski
Sandra Redmann (Hughes)
Betty Reeves
Jeannie Rhyn (Perez)
David Ritchie
Debra Rodgers (Blackmon)
Glenn Roquemore
Joleigh Sakraida (Rafalski)
Claude Salmon
Jim Santangelo
Shelley Seaholm (Graham)
Anne-Marie Seppich (Truax)
Patrick Smith (Smith)
Don Snyder
Joey Soto
Connie Stanley (Kennedy)
Craig Stevens
Cathi Stillwell (Zanolli)
Jeanette Stone (Stone)
Michael Sullivan (Sullivan)
William 'Willie' Walters
Gene Warren
Nick Wiruth
Cheryl Witwer (Whitmore)